How to visualize an optimization problem#

Plotting the criterion function of an optimization problem can answer important questions

  • Is the function smooth?

  • Is the function flat in some directions?

  • Should the optimization problem be scaled?

  • Is a candidate optimum a global one?

Below we show how to make a slice plot of the criterion function.

The simple sphere function (again)#

Let’s look at the simple sphere function again. This time, we specify params as dictionary, but of course, any other params format (recall pytrees) would work just as well.

import numpy as np

import optimagic as om
def sphere(params):
    x = np.array(list(params.values()))
    return x @ x
params = {"alpha": 0, "beta": 0, "gamma": 0, "delta": 0}
bounds = om.Bounds(
    lower={name: -5 for name in params},
    upper={name: i + 2 for i, name in enumerate(params)},

Creating a simple slice plot#

fig = om.slice_plot(

Interpreting the plot#

The plot gives us the following insights:

  • There is no sign of local optima.

  • There is no sign of noise or non-differentiablities (careful, grid might not be fine enough).

  • The problem seems to be convex.

-> We would expect almost any derivative based optimizer to work well here (which we know to be correct in that case)

Using advanced options#

fig = om.slice_plot(
    # selecting a subset of params
    selector=lambda x: [x["alpha"], x["beta"]],
    # evaluate func in parallel
    # rename the parameters
    param_names={"alpha": "Alpha", "beta": "Beta"},
    title="Amazing Plot",
    # number of gridpoints in each dimension