EP-02: Static typing#


Janos Gabler




Standards Track





This enhancement proposal explains the adoption of static typing in optimagic. The goal is to reap a number of benefits:

  • Users will benefit from IDE tools such as easier discoverability of options and autocompletion.

  • Developers and users will find code easier to read due to type hints.

  • The codebase will become more robust due to static type checking and use of stricter types in internal functions.

Achieving these goals requires more than adding type hints. optimagic is currently mostly stringly typed. For example, optimization algorithms are selected via strings. Another example are constraints, which are dictionaries with a fixed set of required keys.

This enhancement proposal outlines how we can accommodate the changes needed to reap the benefits of static typing without breaking users’ code in too many places.

Motivation and resources#

  • Writing Python like it’s Rust. A very good blogpost that summarizes the drawbacks of “stringly-typed” Python code and shows how to incorporate typing philosophies from Rust into Python projects. Read this if you don’t have time to read the other resources.

  • Robust Python, an excellent book that discusses how to design code around types and provides an introduction to static type checkers in Python.

  • jax enhancement proposal for adopting static typing. It has a very good discussion on benefits of static typing.

  • Subclassing in Python Redux explains which types of subclassing are considered harmful and was very helpful for designing this proposal.

Design Philosophy#

The core principles behind this enhancement proposal can be summarized by the following points. This is an extension to our existing styleguide which will be updated if this proposal is accepted.

  • User facing functions should be generous regarding their input type. Example: the algorithm argument can be a string, Algorithm class or Algorithm instance. The algo_options can be an AlgorithmOptions object or a dictionary of keyword arguments.

  • User facing functions should be strict about their output types. A strict output type does not just mean that the output type is known (and not a generous Union), but that it is a proper type that enables static analysis for available attributes. Example: whenever possible, public functions should not return dicts but proper result types (e.g. OptimizeResult, NumdiffResult, …)

  • Internal functions should be strict about input and output types; Typically, a public function will check all arguments, convert them to a proper type and then call an internal function. Example: minimize will convert any valid value for algorithm into an Algorithm instance and then call an internal function with that type.

  • Each argument that previously accepted strings or option dictionaries now also accepts input types that are more amenable to static analysis and offer better autocomplete. Example: algo_options could just be a dict of keyword arguments. Now it can also be an AlgorithmOptions instance that enables autocomplete and static analysis for attribute access.

  • Fixed field types should only be used if all fields are known. An example where this is not the case are collections of benchmark problems, where the set of fields depends on the selected benchmark sets and other things. In such situations, dictionaries that map strings to BenchmarkProblem objects are a good idea.

  • For backwards compatibility and compatibility with SciPy, we allow things we don’t find ideal (e.g. selecting algorithms via strings). However, the documentation should mostly show our prefered way of doing things. Alternatives can be hidden in tabs and expandable boxes.

  • Whenever possible, use immutable types. Whenever things need to be changeable, consider using an immutable type with copy constructors for modified instances. Example: instances of Algorithm are immutable but using Algorithm.with_option users can create modified copies.

  • The main entry point to optimagic are functions, objects are mostly used for configuration and return types. This takes the best of both worlds: we get the safety and static analysis that (in Python) can only be achieved using objects but the beginner friendliness and freedom provided by functions. Example: Having a minimize function, it is very easy to add the possibility of running minimizations with multiple algorithms in parallel and returning the best value. Having a .solve method on an algorithm object would require a whole new interface for this.

Changes for optimization#

The following changes apply to all functions that are directly related to optimization, i.e. maximize, minimize, slice_plot, criterion_plot, params_plot, count_free_params, check_constraints and OptimizeResult.

The objective function#

Current situation#

The objective or criterion function is the function being optimized.

The same criterion function can work for scalar, least-squares and likelihood optimizers. Moreover, a criterion function can return additional data that is stored in the log file (if logging is active). All of this is achieved by returning a dictionary instead of just a scalar float.

For the simplest case, where only scalar optimizers are used, criterion returns a float. Here are two examples of this simple case.

The first example represents params as a flat numpy array and returns a float. This would also be compatible with SciPy:

def sphere(params: np.ndarray) -> float:
    return params @ params

The second example also returns a float but uses a different format for the parameters:

def dict_sphere(params: dict) -> float:
    return params["a"] ** 2 + params["b"] ** 2

If the user wants the criterion function to be compatible with specialized optimizers for least-squares problems, the criterion function needs to return a dictionary.

def least_squares_sphere(params: np.ndarray) -> dict[str, Any]:
    return {"root_contributions": params}

Here the "root_contributions" are the least-squares residuals. The dictionary key tells optimagic how to interpret the output. This is needed because optimagic has no way of finding out whether a criterion function that returns a vector (or pytree) is a least-squares function or a likelihood function. Of course all specialized problems can still be solved with scalar optimizers.

The criterion function can also return a dictionary, if the user wants to store some information in the log file. This is independent of having a least-squares function or not. An example is:

def logging_sphere(x: np.ndarray) -> dict[str, Any]:
    return {"value": x @ x, "mean": x.mean(), "std": x.std()}

Here "value" is the actual scalar criterion value. All other fields are unknown to optimagic and therefore just logged in the database if logging is active.

The specification of likelihood functions is very analogous to least-squares functions and therefore omitted here.

Things we want to keep

  • Allow using the same criterion function for scalar, likelihood and least-squares optimizers. This feature makes it easy to try out and compare very different algorithms with minimal code changes.

  • No restrictions on the type of additional arguments of the criterion function.

  • Maintain compatibility with scipy.optimize when the criterion function returns a scalar.


  • Most users of optimagic find it hard to write criterion functions that return the correct dictionary. Therefore, they don’t use the logging feature and we often get questions about specifying least-squares problems correctly.

  • Internally we can make almost no assumptions about the output of a criterion function, making the code that processes the criterion output very complex and full of if conditions.

  • We only know whether the specified criterion function is compatible with the selected optimizer after we evaluate it once. This means that users see errors only very late.

  • While optional, in least-squares problems it is possible that a user specifies root_contributions, contributions and value even though any of them could be constructed out of the root_contributions. This redundancy of information means that we need to check the consistency of all user provided function outputs.


In the current situation, the dictionary return type solves two different problems that will now be solved separately.

Specifying different problem types#

The simplest way of specifying a least-squares function becomes:

import optimagic as om

def ls_sphere(params):
    return params

Analogously, the simplest way of specifying a likelihood function becomes:

def ll_sphere(params):
    return params**2

The simplest way of specifying a scalar function stays unchanged, but optionally a mark.scalar decorator can be used:

@om.mark.scalar  # this is optional
def sphere(params):
    return params @ params

Except for the decorators, these three functions are specified the same way as in other python libraries that support specialized optimizers (e.g. scipy.optimize.least_squares). The reason why we need the decorators is that we support all kinds of optimizers in the same interface.

Return additional information#

If users additionally want to return information that should be stored in the log file, they need to use a specific Object as return type.

class FunctionValue:
    value: float | PyTree
    info: dict[str, Any]

An example of a least-squares function that also returns additional info for the log file would look like this:

from optimagic import FunctionValue

def least_squares_sphere(params):
    out = FunctionValue(
        value=params, info={"p_mean": params.mean, "p_std": params.std()}
    return out

And analogous for scalar and likelihood functions, where again the mark.scalar decorator is optional.

Optionally replace decorators by type hints#

The purpose of the decorators is to tell us the output type of the criterion function. This is necessary because there is no way of distinguishing between likelihood and least-squares functions from the output alone and because we want to know the function type before we evaluate the function once.

An alternative that might be more convenient for advanced Python programmers would be to do this via type hints. In this case, the return types need to be a bit more fine-grained:

class ScalarFunctionValue(FunctionValue):
    value: float
    info: dict[str, Any]

class LeastSquaresFunctionValue(FunctionValue):
    value: PyTree
    info: dict[str, Any]

class LikelihoodFunctionValue(FunctionValue):
    value: PyTree
    info: dict[str, Any]

A least-squares function could then be specified without decorator as follows:

from optimagic import LeastSquaresFunctionValue

def least_squares_sphere(params: np.ndarray) -> LeastSquaresFunctionValue:
    out = LeastSquaresFunctionValue(
        value=params, info={"p_mean": params.mean, "p_std": params.std()}
    return out

This approach works nicely in projects that use type hints already. However, it would be hard for users who have never heard about type hints. Therefore, we should implement it but not use it in beginner tutorials and always make clear that this is completely optional.

Summary of output types#

The output type of the objective function is float | PyTree[float] | FunctionValue.

Bundling bounds#

Current situation#

Currently we have four arguments of maximize, minimize, and related functions that let the user specify bounds:

    # ...
    lower_bounds=params - 1,
    upper_bounds=params + 1,
    soft_lower_bounds=params - 2,
    soft_upper_bounds=params + 2,
    # ...

Each of them is a pytree that mirrors the structure of params or None


  • Usually, all of these arguments are used together and passing them around individually is annoying.

  • The names are very long because the word bounds is repeated.


We bundle the bounds together in a Bounds type:

bounds = om.Bounds(
    lower=params - 1,
    upper=params + 1,
    soft_lower=params - 2,
    soft_upper=params + 2,
    # ...
    # ...

As a bonus feature, the Bounds type can do some checks on the bounds at instance creation time such that users get errors before running an optimization.

Using the old arguments will be deprecated.

Since there is no need to modify instances of Bounds, it should be immutable.

To improve the alignment with SciPy, we can also allow users to pass a scipy.optimize.Bounds object as bounds. Internally, this will be converted to our Bounds object.


Current situation#

Currently, constraints are dictionaries with a set of required keys. The exact requirements depend on the type of constraints and even on the structure of params.

Each constraint needs a way to select the parameters to which the constraint applies. There are three dictionary keys for this:

  • "loc", which works if params are numpy arrays, pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame.

  • "query", which works only if params are pandas.DataFrame

  • "Selector", which works for all valid formats of params.

Moreover, each constraint needs to specify its type using the "type" key.

Some constraints have additional required keys:

  • Linear constraints have "weights", "lower_bound", "upper_bound", and "value".

  • Nonlinear constraints have "func", "lower_bound", "upper_bound", and "value".

Details and examples can be found here.

Things we want to keep

  • The constraints interface is very declarative; Constraints purely collect information and are completely separate from the implementation.

  • All three ways of selecting parameters have their strength and can be very concise and readable in specific applications.


  • Constraints are hard to document and generally not understood by most users.

  • Having multiple ways of selecting parameters (not all compatible with all params formats) is confusing for users and annoying when processing constraints. We have to handle the case where no selection or multiple selections are specified.

  • Dicts with required keys are brittle and do not provide autocomplete. This is made worse by the fact that each type of constraint requires different sets of keys.


  1. We implement simple dataclasses for each type of constraint.

  2. We get rid of loc and query as parameter selection methods. Instead, we show in the documentation how both selection methods can be used inside a selector function.

Examples of the new syntax are:

constraints = [
    om.constraints.FixedConstraint(selector=lambda x: x[0, 5]),
    om.constraints.IncreasingConstraint(selector=lambda x: x[1:4]),

res = om.minimize(
    params=np.array([2.5, 1, 1, 1, 1, -2.5]),

Since there is no need to modify instances of constraints, they should be immutable.

All constraints can subclass Constraint which will only have the selector attribute. During the deprecation phase, Constraint will also have loc and query attributes.

The current cov and sdcorr constraints apply to flattened covariance matrices, as well as standard deviations and flattened correlation matrices. This comes from a time where optimagic only supported an essentially flat parameter format (DataFrames with "value" column). We can exploit the current deprecation cycle to rename the current cov and sdcorr constraints to FlatCovConstraint and FlatSdcorrConstraint. This prepares the introduction of a more natural CovConstraint and SdcorrConstraint later.

Algorithm selection#

Current situation#

algorithm is a string or a callable that satisfies the internal algorithm interface. If the user passes a string, we look up the algorithm implementation in a dictionary containing all installed algorithms. We implement suggestions for typical typos based on fuzzy matching of strings.

Things we want to keep

  • optimagic can be used just like scipy


  • There is no autocomplete.

  • It is very easy to make typos and they only get caught at runtime.

  • Users cannot select algorithms without reading the documentation.


The following proposal is quite ambitious and split into multiple steps. Thanks to @schroedk for helpful discussions on this topic.

Step 1: Passing algorithm classes and objects#

For compatibility with SciPy we continue to allow algorithm strings. However, the preferred ways of selecting algorithms are now:

  1. Passing an algorithm class

  2. Passing a configured algorithm object

Both new ways become possible because of changes to the internal algorithm interface. See here for the proposal.

We remove the possibility of passing callables that comply with the old internal algorithm interface.

In a simple example, algorithm selection via algorithm classes looks as follows:

    lambda x: x @ x,

Passing a configured instance of an algorithm looks as follows:

    lambda x: x @ x,
Step 2: Achieving autocomplete without too much typing#

There are many ways in which the above behavior could be achieved with full autocomplete support. For reasons that will become clear in the next section, we choose to represent algorithms as a dataclass. Alternatives are enums, __init__ files, NamedTuples, etc.

A prototype for that dataclass looks as follows:

from typing import Type

class Algorithms:
    scipy_neldermead: Type[ScipyNelderMead] = ScipyNelderMead
    scipy_lbfgsb: Type[ScipyLBFGSB] = ScipyLBFGSB
    # ...
    # many more
    # ...

algorithms = Algorithms()

Currently, all algorithms are collected in a dictionary that is created programmatically. Representing algorithms in a static data structure instead requires a lot more typing and therefore code to maintain. This situation will become even worse with some of the features we propose below. Therefore, we want to automate the creation of the dataclass.

To this end, we can write a function that automatically creates the code for the Algorithms dataclass. This function can be executed in a local pre-commit hook to make sure all generated code is up-to-date in every commit. It can also be executed in a pytest hook (before the collection phase) to make sure everything is up-to-date when tests run.

Users of optimagic (and their IDEs) will never know that this code was not typed in by a human, which guarantees that autocomplete and static analysis will work without problems.


We can also use pytest-hooks to make sure the

Step 3: Filtered autocomplete#

Having the flat Algorithms data structure would be enough if every user knew exactly which algorithm they want to use and just needed help typing in the name. However, this is very far from realistic. Most users have little knowledge about optimization algorithms. In the best case, they know a few properties of their problems (e.g. whether it is differentiable) and their goal (e.g. do they need a local or global solution).

To exemplify what we want to achieve, assume a simplified situation with 4 algorithms. We only consider whether an algorithm is gradient free or gradient based. Here is the fictitious list:

  • neldermead: gradient_free

  • bobyqa: gradient_free

  • lbfgs: gradient_based

  • slsqp: gradient_based

We want the following behavior:

The user types om.algorithms. and autocomplete shows







A user can either select one of the algorithms (lowercase) directly or filter further by selecting a category (CamelCase). This would look as follows:

The user types om.algorithms.GradientFree. and autocomplete shows



Once the user arrives at an algorithm, a subclass of Algorithm is returned. This class will be passed to minimize or maximize. Passing configured instances of Algorithms will be discussed in Algorithm Options.

In practice, we would have a lot more algorithms and a lot more categories. Some categories might be mutually exclusive, in that case the second category is omitted after the first one is selected.

We have the following categories:

  • GradientBased vs. GradientFree

  • Local vs. Global

  • Bounded vs. Unbounded

  • Scalar vs. LeastSquares vs. Likelihood

  • LinearConstrained vs. NonlinearConstrained vs. Unconstrained

Potentially, we could also offer a .All attribute that returns a list of all currently selected algorithms. That way a user could for example loop over all Bounded and GradientBased LeastSquares algorithms and compare them in a criterion plot.

These categories match nicely with our algorithm selection tutorials.

To achieve this behavior, we would have to implement something like this:

class GradientBasedAlgorithms:
    lbfgs: Type[LBFGS] = LBFGS
    slsqp: Type[SLSQP] = SLSQP

    def All(self) -> List[om.typing.Algorithm]:
        return [LBFGS, SLSQP]

class GradientFreeAlgorithms:
    neldermead: Type[NelderMead] = NelderMead
    bobyqa: Type[Bobyqa] = Bobyqa

    def All(self) -> List[om.typing.Algorithm]:
        return [NelderMead, Bobyqa]

class Algorithms:
    lbfgs: Type[LBFGS] = LBFGS
    slsqp: Type[SLSQP] = SLSQP
    neldermead: Type[NelderMead] = NelderMead
    bobyqa: Type[Bobyqa] = Bobyqa

    def GradientBased(self) -> GradientBasedAlgorithms:
        return GradientBasedAlgorithms()

    def GradientFree(self) -> GradientFreeAlgorithms:
        return GradientFreeAlgorithms()

    def All(self) -> List[om.typing.Algorithm]:
        return [LBFGS, SLSQP, NelderMead, Bobyqa]

If implemented by hand, this would require an enormous amount of typing and introduce a very high maintenance burden. Whenever a new algorithm was added to optimagic, we would have to register it in multiple nested dataclasses.

The code generation approach detailed in the previous section can solve this problom. While it might have been overkill to achieve basic autocomplete, it is justified to achieve this filtering behavior. How the relevant information for filtering (e.g. whether an algorithm is gradient based) is collected, will be discussed in internal algorithms.


The use of dataclasses is an implementation detail. This enhancement proposal only defines the autocomplete behavior we want to achieve. Everything else can be changed later as we see fit.

Algorithm options#

Algorithm options refer to options that are not handled by optimagic but directly by the algorithms. Examples are convergence criteria, stopping criteria and advanced configuration of algorithms. Some of them are supported by many algorithms (e.g. stopping after a maximum number of function evaluations is reached), some are supported by certain classes of algorithms (e.g. most genetic algorithms have a population size, most trustregion algorithms allow to set an initial trustregion radius) and some of them are completely specific to one algorithm (e.g. ipopt has more than 100 very specific options, nag_dfols supports very specific restarting strategies, …).

While nothing can be changed about the fact that every algorithm supports different options (e.g. there is simply no trustregion radius in a genetic algorithm), we go very far in harmonizing algo_options across optimizers:

  1. Options that are the same in spirit (e.g. stop after a specific number of iterations) get the same name across all optimizers wrapped in optimagic. Most of them even get the same default value.

  2. Options that have non-descriptive (and often heavily abbreviated) names in their original implementation get more readable names, even if they appear only in a single algorithm.

  3. Options that are specific to a well known optimizer (e.g. ipopt) are not renamed

Current situation#

The user passes algo_options as a dictionary of keyword arguments. All options that are not supported by the selected algorithm are discarded with a warning. The names of most options are very descriptive (even though a bit too long at times).

We implement basic namespaces by introducing a dot notation. Example:

options = {
    "stopping.max_iterations": 1000,
    "stopping.max_criterion_evaluations": 1500,
    "convergence.relative_criterion_tolerance": 1e-6,
    "convergence.scaled_gradient_tolerance": 1e-6,
    "initial_radius": 0.1,
    "population_size": 100,

The option dictionary is then used as follows:

    # ...
    # ...

In the example, only the options stopping.max_criterion_evaluations, stopping.max_iterations and convergence.relative_criterion_tolerance are supported by scipy_lbfgsb. All other options would be ignored.


The . notation in stopping.max_iterations is just syntactic sugar. Internally, the option is called stopping_max_iterations because all options need to be valid Python variable names.

Things we want to keep

  • The ability to provide global options that are filtered for each optimizer. Mixing the options for all optimizers in a single dictionary and discarding options that do not apply to the selected optimizer allows to loop very efficiently over very different algorithms (without if conditions in the user’s code). This is very good for quick experimentation, e.g. solving the same problem with three different optimizers and limiting each optimizer to 100 function evaluations.

  • The basic namespaces help to quickly see what is influenced by a specific option. This works especially well to distinguish stopping options and convergence criteria from other tuning parameters of the algorithms. However, it would be enough to keep them as a naming convention if we find it hard to support the . notation.

  • All options are documented in the optimagic documentation, i.e. we do not link to the docs of original packages. Now they will also be discoverable in an IDE.


  • There is no autocomplete and the only way to find out which options are supported is the documentation.

  • A small typo in an option name can easily lead to the option being discarded.

  • Option dictionaries can grow very big.

  • The fact that option dictionaries are mutable can lead to errors, for example when a user wants to try out a grid of values for one tuning parameter while keeping all other options constant.


We want to offer multiple entry points for passing additional options to algorithms. Users can pick the one that works best for their particular use-case. The current solution remains valid but not recommended.

Configured algorithms#

Instead of passing an Algorithm class (as described in Algorithm Selection) the user can create an instance of their selected algorithm. When creating the instance, they have autocompletion for all options supported by the selected algorithm. Algorithms are immutable.

algo = om.algorithms.scipy_lbfgsb(
    # ...
    # ...
Copy constructors on algorithms#

Given an instance of an Algorithm, a user can easily create a modified copy of that instance by using the with_option method.

# using copy constructors to create variants
base_algo = om.algorithms.fides(stopping_max_iterations=1000)
algorithms = [base_algo.with_option(initial_radius=r) for r in [0.1, 0.2, 0.5]]

for algo in algorithms:
        # ...
        # ...

We can provide additional methods with_stopping and with_convergence that call with_option internally but provide two additional features:

  1. They validate that the option is indeed a stopping/convergence criterion.

  2. They allow to omit the convergence_ or stopping_ at the beginning of the option name and can thus reduce repetition in the option names. This recreates the namespaces we currently achieve with the dot notation:

# using copy constructors for better namespaces
algo = (

    # ...
    # ...
Global option object#

As before, the user can pass a global set of options to maximize or minimize. We continue to support option dictionaries but also allow AlgorithmOption objects that enable better autocomplete and immutability. We can construct them using a similar pre-commit hook approach as discussed in algorithm selection. Global options override the options that were directly passed to an optimizer. For consistency, AlgorithmOptions can offer the with_stopping, with_convergence and with_option copy-constructors, so users can modify options safely. Probably, this approach should be featured less prominently in the documentation as it offers no guarantees that the specified options are compatible with the selected algorithm.

The previous example continues to work. Examples of the new possibilities are:

options = om.AlgorithmOptions(

    # ...
    # ...


In my currently planned implementation, autocomplete will not work reliably for the copy constructors (with_option, with_stopping and with_convergence). The main reason is that most editors do not play well with functools.wraps or any other means of dynamic signature creation. For more details, see the discussions about the Internal Algorithm Interface.

Custom derivatives#

Providing custom derivatives to optimagic is slightly complicated because we support scalar, likelihood and least-squares problems in the same interface. Moreover, we allow to either provide a derivative function or a joint criterion_and_derivative function that allow users to exploit synergies between evaluating the criterion and the derivative.

Current situation#

The derivative argument can currently be one of three things:

  • A callable: This is assumed to be the relevant derivative of criterion. If a scalar optimizer is used, it is the gradient of the criterion value w.r.t. params. If a likelihood optimizer is used, it is the jacobian of the likelihood contributions w.r.t. params. If a least-squares optimizer is used, it is the jacobian of the residuals w.r.t. params.

  • A dict: The dict must have three keys "value", "contributions" and "root_contributions". The corresponding values are the three callables described above.

  • None: In this case, a numerical derivative is calculated.

The criterion_and_derivative argument exactly mirrors derivative but each callable returns a tuple of the criterion value and the derivative instead.

Things we want to keep

  • It is good that synergies between criterion and derivative can be exploited.

  • There are three arguments (criterion, derivative, criterion_and_derivative). This makes sure that every algorithm can run efficiently when looping over algorithms and keeping everything else equal. With SciPy’s approach of setting jac=True if one wants to use a joint criterion and derivative function, a gradient free optimizer would have no chance of evaluating just the criterion.

  • Scalar, least-squares and likelihood problems are supported in one interface.


  • A dict with required keys is brittle

  • Autodiff needs to be handled completely outside of optimagic

  • The names criterion, derivative and criterion_and_derivative are not aligned with scipy and very long.

  • Providing derivatives to optimagic is perceived as complicated and confusing.



The following section uses the new names fun, jac and fun_and_jac instead of criterion, derivative and criterion_and_derivative.

To improve the integration with modern automatic differentiation frameworks, jac or fun_and_jac can also be a string "jax" or a more autocomplete friendly enum om.autodiff_backend.JAX. This can be used to signal that the objective function is jax compatible and jax should be used to calculate its derivatives. In the long run we can add PyTorch support and more. Since this is mostly about a signal of compatibility, it would be enough to set one of the two arguments to "jax", the other one can be left at None. Here is an example:

import jax.numpy as jnp
import optimagic as om

def jax_sphere(x):
    return jnp.dot(x, x)

res = om.minimize(

If a custom callable is provided as jac or fun_and_jac, it needs to be decorated with @om.mark.least_squares or om.mark.likelihood if it is not the gradient of a scalar function values. Using the om.mark.scalar decorator is optional. For a simple least-squares problem this looks as follows:

import numpy as np

def ls_sphere(params):
    return params

def ls_sphere_jac(params):
    return np.eye(len(params))

res = om.minimize(

Note that here we have a least-squares problem and solve it with a least-squares optimizer. However, any least-squares problem can also be solved with scalar optimizers.

While optimagic could convert the least-squares derivative to the gradient of the scalar function value, this is generally inefficient. Therefore, a user can provide multiple callables of the objective function in such a case, so we can pick the best one for the chosen optimizer.

def sphere_grad(params):
    return 2 * params

res = om.minimize(
    jac=[ls_sphere_jac, sphere_grad],

Since a scalar optimizer was chosen to solve the least-squares problem, optimagic would pick the sphere_grad as derivative. If a leas-squares solver was chosen, we would use ls_sphere_jac.

Other option dictionaries#

Current situation#

We often allow to switch on some behavior with a bool or a string value and then configure the behavior with an option dictionary. Examples are:

  • logging (str | pathlib.Path | False) and log_options (dict)

  • scaling (bool) and scaling_options (dict)

  • error_handling (Literal["raise", "continue"]) and error_penalty (dict)

  • multistart (bool) and multistart_options

Moreover we have option dictionaries whenever we have nested invocations of optimagic functions. Examples are:

  • numdiff_options in minimize and maximize

  • optimize_options in estimate_msm and estimate_ml

Things we want to keep

  • Complex behavior like logging or multistart can be switched on in extremely simple ways, without importing anything and without looking up supported options.

  • The interfaces are very declarative and decoupled from our implementation.


  • Option dictionaries are brittle and don’t support autocomplete.

  • It can be confusing if someone provided scaling_options or multistart_options but they take no effect because scaling or multistart were not set to True.


We want to keep a simple way of enabling complex behavior (with some default options) but get rid of having two separate arguments (one to switch the behavior on and one to configure it). This means that we have to be generous regarding input types.


Currently we only implement logging via an sqlite database. All log_options are specific to this type of logging. However, logging is slow and we should support more types of logging. For this, we can implement a simple Logger abstraction. Advanced users could implement their own logger.

After the changes, logging can be any of the following:

  • False (or anything Falsy): No logging is used.

  • A str or pathlib.Path: Logging is used at default options.

  • An instance of optimagic.Logger. There will be multiple subclasses, e.g. SqliteLogger which allow us to switch out the logging backend. Each subclass might have different optional arguments.

The log_options are deprecated. Using dictionaries instead of Option objects will be supported during a deprecation cycle.

Scaling, error handling and multistart#

In contrast to logging, scaling, error handling and multistart are deeply baked into optimagic’s minimize function. Therefore, it does not make sense to create abstractions for these features that would make them replaceable components that can be switched out for other implementations by advanced users. Most of these features are already perceived as advanced and allow for a lot of configuration.

We therefore suggest the following argument types:

  • scaling: bool | ScalingOptions

  • error_handling: bool | ErrorHandlingOptions

  • multistart: bool | MultistartOptions

All of the Option objects are simple dataclasses that mirror the current dictionaries. All _options arguments are deprecated.

numdiff_options and similar#

Dictionaries are still supported but we also offer more autocomplete friendly dataclasses as alternative.

The internal algorithm interface and Algorithm objects#

Current situation#

Currently, algorithms are defined as minimize functions that are decorated with om.mark_minimizer. The minimize function returns a dictionary with a few mandatory and several optional keys. Algorithms can provide information to optimagic in two ways:

  1. The signature of the minimize function signals whether the algorithm needs derivatives and whether it supports bounds and nonlinear constraints. Moreover, it signals which algorithm specific options are supported. Default values for algorithm specific options are also defined in the signature of the minimize function.

  2. @mark_minimizer collects the following information via keyword arguments:

  • Is the algorithm a scalar, least-squares or likelihood optimizer?

  • The algorithm name.

  • Does the algorithm require well scaled problems?

  • Is the algorithm currently installed?

  • Is the algorithm global or local?

  • Should the history tracking be disabled (e.g. because the algorithm tracks its own history)?

  • Does the algorithm parallelize criterion evaluations?

A slightly simplified example of the current internal algorithm interface is:

def scipy_neldermead(
    options = {
        "maxiter": stopping_max_iterations,
        "maxfev": stopping_max_criterion_evaluations,
        # both tolerances seem to have to be fulfilled for Nelder-Mead to converge.
        # if not both are specified it does not converge in our tests.
        "xatol": convergence_absolute_params_tolerance,
        "fatol": convergence_absolute_criterion_tolerance,
        "adaptive": adaptive,

    res = scipy.optimize.minimize(
        bounds=_get_scipy_bounds(lower_bounds, upper_bounds),

    return process_scipy_result(res)

The first two arguments (criterion and x) are mandatory. The lack of any arguments related to derivatives signifies that scipy_neldermead is a gradient free algorithm. The bounds related arguments show that it supports box constraints. The remaining arguments define the supported stopping criteria and algorithm options as well as their default values.

The decorator simply attaches information to the function as _algorithm_info attribute. This originated as a hack but was never changed afterwards. The AlgorithmInfo looks as follows:

class AlgoInfo(NamedTuple):
    primary_criterion_entry: str
    name: str
    parallelizes: bool
    needs_scaling: bool
    is_available: bool
    arguments: list  # this is read from the signature
    is_global: bool = False
    disable_history: bool = False

Things we want to keep

  • The internal interface has proven flexible enough for many optimizers we had not wrapped when we designed it. It is easy to add more optional arguments to the decorator without breaking any existing code.

  • The decorator approach completely hides how we represent algorithms internally.

  • Since we read a lot of information from function signatures (as opposed to registering options somewhere), there is no duplicated information. If we change the approach to collecting information, we still need to ensure there is no duplication or possibility to provide wrong information to optimagic.


  • Type checkers complain about the ._algorithm_info hack.

  • All computations and signature checking are done eagerly for all algorithms at import time. This is one of the reasons why imports are slow.

  • The first few arguments to the minimize functions follow a naming scheme and any typo in those names would lead to situations that are hard to debug (e.g. if lower_bound was miss-typed as lower_buond we would assume that the algorithm does not support lower bounds but has a tuning parameter called lower_buond).


We first show the proposed new algorithm interface and discuss the changes later.

class ScipyNelderMead(Algorithm):
    stopping_max_iterations: int = 1_000_000
    stopping_max_criterion_evaluations: int = 1_000_000
    convergence_absolute_criterion_tolerance: float = 1e-8
    convergence_absolute_params_tolerance: float = 1e-8
    adaptive = False

    def __post_init__(self):
        # check everything that cannot be handled by the type system
        assert self.convergence_absolute_criterion_tolerance > 0
        assert self.convergence_absolute_params_tolerance > 0

    def _solve_internal_problem(
        self, problem: InternalProblem, x0: NDArray[float]
    ) -> InternalOptimizeResult:
        options = {
            "maxiter": self.stopping_max_iterations,
            "maxfev": self.stopping_max_criterion_evaluations,
            "xatol": self.convergence_absolute_params_tolerance,
            "fatol": self.convergence_absolute_criterion_tolerance,
            "adaptive": self.adaptive,

        res = minimize(

        return process_scipy_result(res)
  1. The new internal algorithms are dataclasses, where all algorithm options are dataclass fields. This enables us to obtain information about the options via the __dataclass_fields__ attribute without inspecting signatures or imposing naming conventions on non-option arguments.

  2. The _solve_internal_problem method receives an instance of InternalProblem and x0 (the start values) as arguments. InternalProblem collects the criterion function, its derivatives, bounds, etc. This again avoids any potential for typos in argument names.

  3. The mark.minimizer decorator collects all the information that was previously collected via optional arguments with naming conventions. This information is available while constructing the instance of InternalProblem. Thus we can make sure that attributes that were not requested (e.g. derivatives if needs_derivative is False) raise an AttributeError if used.

  4. The minimize function returns an InternalOptimizeResult instead of a dictionary.

The copy constructors (with_option, with_convergence, and with_stopping) are inherited from optimagic.Algorithm. This means, that they will have **kwargs as signature and thus do not support autocomplete. However, they can check that all specified options are actually in the __dataclass_fields__ and thus provide feedback before an optimization is run.

All breaking changes of the internal algorithm interface are done without deprecation cycle.


The _solve_internal_problem method is private because users should not call it; This also prepares adding a public minimize method that internally calls the minimize function.

To make things more concrete, here are prototypes for components related to the InternalProblem and InternalOptimizeResult.


The names of the internal problem are already aligned with the new names for the objective function and its derivatives.

from numpy.typing import NDArray
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Callable, Tuple
import optimagic as om

class ScalarProblemFunctions:
    fun: Callable[[NDArray[float]], float]
    jac: Callable[[NDArray[float]], NDArray[float]]
    fun_and_jac: Callable[[NDArray[float]], Tuple[float, NDArray[float]]]

class LeastSquaresProblemFunctions:
    fun: Callable[[NDArray[float]], NDArray[float]]
    jac: Callable[[NDArray[float]], NDArray[float]]
    fun_and_jac: Callable[[NDArray[float]], Tuple[NDArray[float], NDArray[float]]]

class LikelihoodProblemFunctions:
    fun: Callable[[NDArray[float]], NDArray[float]]
    jac: Callable[[NDArray[float]], NDArray[float]]
    fun_and_jac: Callable[[NDArray[float]], Tuple[NDArray[float], NDArray[float]]]

class InternalProblem:
    scalar: ScalarProblemFunctions
    least_squares: LeastSquaresProblemFunctions
    likelihood: LikelihoodProblemFunctions
    bounds: om.Bounds | None
    linear_constraints: list[om.LinearConstraint] | None
    nonlinear_constraints: list[om.NonlinearConstraint] | None

The InternalOptimizeResult formalizes the current dictionary solution:

class InternalOptimizeResult:
    solution_x: NDArray[float]
    solution_criterion: float
    n_criterion_evaluations: int | None
    n_derivative_evaluations: int | None
    n_iterations: int | None
    success: bool | None
    message: str | None

Alternative to mark.minimizer#

Instead of collecting information about the optimizers via the mark.minimizer decorator, we could require the Algorithm subclasses to provide that information via class variables. The presence of all required class variables could be enforced via __init_subclass__.

The two approaches are equivalent in terms of achievable functionality. I see the following advantages and disadvantages:

Advantages of decorator approach

  • Easier for beginners as no subtle concepts (such as the difference between instance and class variables) are involved

  • Very easy way to provide default values for some of the collected variables

  • Every user of optimagic is familiar with mark decorators

  • Autocomplete while filling out the arguments of the mark decorator

  • Very clear visual separation of algorithm options and attributes optimagic needs to know about.

Advantages of class variable approach

  • More familiar for people with object oriented background

  • Possibly better ways to enforce the presence of the class variables via static analysis

I am personally leaning towards the decorator approach but any feedback on this topic is welcome.

Numerical differentiation#

Current situation#

The following proposal applies to the functions first_derivative and second_derivative. Both functions have an interface that has grown over time and both return a relatively complex result dictionary. There are several arguments that govern which entries are stored in the result dictionary.

The functions first_derivative and second_derivative allow params to be arbitrary pytrees. They work for scalar and vector valued functions and a key argument makes sure that they work for criterion functions that return a dict containing "value", "contributions", and "root_contributions".

In contrast to optimization, all pytree handling (for params and function outputs) is mixed with the calculation of the numerical derivatives. This can produce more informative error messages and save some memory. However it increases complexity extremely because we can make very few assumptions on types. There are many if conditions to deal with this situation.

The interface is further complicated by supporting Richardson Extrapolation. This feature was inspired by numdifftools but has not produced convincing results in benchmarks.

Things we want to keep

  • params and function values can be pytrees

  • support for optimagic criterion functions (now functions that return FunctionValue)

  • Many optional arguments to influence the details of the numerical differentiation

  • Rich output format that helps to get insights on the precision of the numerical differentiation

  • Ability to optionally pass in a function evaluation at params or return a function evaluation at params


  • We can make no assumptions on types inside the function because pytree handling is mixed with calculations

  • Support for Richardson extrapolation complicates the interface and implementation but has not been convincing in benchmarks

  • Pytree handling is acatually incomplete (base_steps, min_steps and step_ratio are assumed to be flat numpy arrays)

  • Many users expect the output of a function for numerical differentiation to be just the gradient, jacobian or hessian, not a more complex result object.


Separation of calculations and pytree handling#

As in numerical optimization, we should implement the core functionality for first and second derivative for functions that map from 1-Dimensional numpy arrays to 1-Dimensional numpy arrays. All pytree handling or other handling of function outputs (e.g. functions that return a FunctionValue) should be done outside of the core functions.

Deprecate Richardson Extrapolation (and prepare alternatives)#

The goal of implementing Richardson Extrapolation was to get more precise estimates of numerical derivatives when it is hard to find an optimal step size. Example use-cases we had in mind were:

  • Optimization of a function that is piecewise flat, e.g. the likelihood function of a naively implemented multinomial probit

  • Optimization or standard error estimation of slightly noisy functions, e.g. functions of an MSM estimation problem

  • Standard error estimation of wiggly functions where the slope and curvature at the minimum does not yield reasonable standard errors and confidence intervals

Unfortunately, the computational cost of Richardson extrapolation is too high for any application during optimization. Moreover, our practical experience with Richardson Extrapolation was not positive and it seems that Richardson extrapolation is not designed for our use-cases. It is designed as a sequence acceleration method that reduces roundoff error while shrinking a step size to zero, whereas in our application it might often be better to take a larger step size (for example, the success of derivative free trust-region optimizers suggest less local slope and curvature information is more useful than actual derivatives for optimization; similarly, numerical derivatives with larger step sizes could be seen as an estimate of a quasi jacobian and inference based on it might have good statistical properties).

We therefore propose to remove Richardson extrapolation and open an Issue to work on alternatives. Examples for alternatives could be:

  • Moré and Wild (2010) propose an approach to calculate optimal step sizes for finite difference differentiation of noisy functions

  • We could think about aggregating derivative estimates at multiple step sizes in a way that produces worst case standard errors and confidence intervals


Richardson extrapolation was only completed for first derivatives, even though it is already prepared in the interface for second derivatives.

Better NumdiffResult object#

The result dictionary will be replaced by a NumdiffResult object. All arguments that govern which results are stored will be removed. If some of the formerly optional results require extra computation that we wanted to avoid by making them optional, they can be properties or methods of the result object.

Jax inspired high-level interfaces#

Since our first_derivative and second_derivative functions need to fulfill very specific requirements for use during optimization, they need to return a complex result object. However, this can be annoying in simple situations where users just want a gradient, jacobian or hessian.

To cover these simple situations and provide a high level interface to our numdiff functions, we can provide a set of jax inspired decorators:

  • @grad

  • @value_and_grad

  • @jac (no distinction between @jacrev and jacfwd necessary)

  • @value_and_jac

  • @hessian

  • @value_and_hessian

All of these will be very simple wrappers around first_derivative and second_derivative with very low implementation and maintenance costs.



Current situation#

As other functions in optimagic, get_benchmark_problems follows a design where behavior can be switched on by a bool and configured by an options dictionary. The following arguments are related to this:

  • additive_noise and additive_noise_options

  • multiplicative_noise and multiplicative_noise_options

  • scaling and scaling_options

All of them have the purpose of adding some difficult characteristics to an existing benchmark set, so we can analyze how well an optimizer can deal with this situation.

The name of the benchmark set is passed in as a string.

The return value of get_benchmark_problems is a nested dictionary. The keys in the outer dictionary are the names of benchmark problems. The inner dictionaries represent benchmark problems.

Things we want to keep

  • Benchmark problems are collected in a dict, not in a fixed-field data structure. This makes it easy to merge problems from multiple benchmark sets or filter benchmark sets. A fixed field data structure would not work here.


  • As discussed before, having separate arguments for switching-on behavior and configuring it can be dangerous

  • Each single benchmark problem should not be represented as a dictionary

  • Adding noise or scaling problems should be made more flexible and generic


Add noise to benchmark problems#

The four arguments additive_noise, multiplicative_noise, additive_noise_options, and multiplicative_noise_options are combined in one noise argument. This noise argument can be bool | BenchmarkNoise. If False, no noise is added. If True, standard normal noise is added.

We implement several subclasses of BenchmarkNoise to cover the current use cases. As syntactic sugar, we can make BenchmarkNoise instances addable (by implementing an __add__ method) so multiple sources of noise can be combined.

A rough prototype for BenchmarkNoise looks as follows:

FvalType = TypeVar("FvalType", bound=float | NDArray[float])

class BenchmarkNoise(ABC):
    def draw_noise(
        self, fval: FvalType, params: NDArray, size: int, rng: np.random.Generator
    ) -> FvalType:

    def __add__(self, other: BenchmarkNoise):

Passing fval and params to draw_noise enables use to implement multiplicative noise (i.e. noise where the standard deviation scales with the function value) and stochastic or deterministic wiggle (e.g. a sine curve that depends on params). Therefore, this proposal does not just cover everything that is currently implemented but also adds new functionality we wanted to implement.

Add scaling issues to benchmark problems#

The scaling_options argument is deprecated. The scaling argument can be bool | BenchmarkScaler. We implement LinspaceBenchmarkScaler to cover everything that is implemented right now but more types of scaling can be implemented in the future. A rough prototype of BenchmarkScaler looks as follows:

class BenchmarkScaler(ABC):
    def scale(self, params: NDArray) -> NDArray:

    def unscale(self, params: NDArray) -> NDArray:
Representing benchmark problems#

Instead of the fixed-field dictionary we will have a dataclass with corresponding fields. This would roughly look as follows:

class BenchmarkProblem:
    fun: Callable[[NDArray], FunctionValue]
    start_x: NDArray
    solution_x: NDArray | None
    start_fun: float
    solution_fun: float


Current situation#

run_benchmark takes benchmark_problems (covered in the previous section), optimize_options and a few other arguments and returns a nested dictionary representing benchmark results.

optimize_options can be a list of algorithm names, a dict with algorithm names as values or a nested dict of keyword arguments for minimize.

Things we want to keep

  • Benchmark results are collected in a dict, not in a fixed-field data structure. This makes it easy to merge results from multiple benchmark sets or filter benchmark results. A fixed field data structure would not work here.


  • optimize_options are super flexible but error prone and hard to write as there is no autocomplete support

  • Each single benchmark result should not be represented as a dictionary


We restrict the typo of optimize_options to dict[str, Type[Algorithm] | Algorithm | OptimizeOptions]. Here, OptimizeOptions will be a simple dataclass that we need for estimate_ml and estimate_msm anyways.

Passing just lists of algorithm names is deprecated. Passing dicts as optimize options is also deprecated. Most use-cases will be covered by passing dictionaries of configured Algorithms as optimize options. Actually using the full power of passing OptimizeOptions will be rarely needed.

The return type of run_benchmark will be dict[tuple[str], BenchmarkResult]

BenchmarkResult is a dataclass with fields that mirror the keys of the current dictionary. It will roughly look as follows:

class BenchmarkResult:
    params_history: list[NDArray]
    fun_history: list[float]
    time_history: list[float]
    batches_history: list[int]
    solution: OptimizeResult


The changes to the estimation functions estimate_ml and estimate_msm will be minimal:

  • lower_bounds and upper_bounds are replaced by bounds (as in optimization)

  • numdiff_options and optimize_options become dataclasses

  • logging and log_options get aligned with our proposal for optimization

In the long run we plan a general overhaul of MSM estimation that provides better access to currently internal objects such as the MSM objective function.

Type checkers and their configuration#

We choose mypy as static type checker and run it as part of our continuous integration.

Once this enhancement proposal is fully implemented, we want to use the following settings:

check_untyped_defs = true
disallow_any_generics = true
disallow_untyped_defs = true
disallow_incomplete_defs = true
no_implicit_optional = true
warn_redundant_casts = true
warn_unused_ignores = true

In addition to CI, we could also run type-checks as part of the pre-commit hooks. An example where this is done can be found here.

Runtime type checking#

Since most of our users do not use static type checkers we will still need to check the type of most user inputs so we can give them early feedback when problems arise. Thus we cannot remove our current error handling just because many of these errors could now be caught by static analysis.

We can investigate using jaxtyping’s pytest hooks to enable runtime typecheckers like beartype during testing but it is not a priority for now.

Changes in documentation#

All type information in docstrings will be removed.

Whenever there are now multiple ways of doing things, we show the ones that support autocomplete and static analysis most prominently. We can achieve this via tabs, similar to how pytask does it.

The general structure of the documentation is not affected by this enhancement proposal.

Summary of breaking changes#

  • The internal algorithm interface changes completely without deprecations

  • The support for Richardson Extrapolation in first_derivative is dropped without deprecation; The corresponding arguments n_steps and step_ratio are removed.

  • The return type of first_derivative and second_derivative changes from dict to NumdiffResult without deprecations. The arguments return_func_value and return_info are dropped.

  • The representation of benchmark problems and benchmark results changes without deprecations

Summary of deprecations#

The following deprecations become active in version 0.5.0. The functionality will be removed in version 0.6.0 which should be scheduled for approximately half a year after the realease of 0.5.0.

  • Returning a dict in the objective function io deprecated. Return FunctionValue instead. In addition, likelihood and least-squares problems need to be decorated with om.mark.likelihood and om.mark_least_squares.

  • The arguments lower_bounds, upper_bounds, soft_lower_bounds and soft_upper_bounds are deprecated. Use bounds instead. bounds can be optimagic.Bounds or scipy.optimize.Bounds objects.

  • Specifying constraints with dictionaries is deprecated. Use the corresponding subclass of om.constraints.Constraint instead. In addition, all selection methods except for selector are deprecated.

  • The covariance constraint is renamed to FlatCovConstraint and the sdcorr constraint is renamed to FlatSdcorrConstraint to prepare the introduction of more natural (non-flattened) covariance and sdcorr constraints.

  • The log_options argument of maximize and minimize is deprecated and gets subsumed in the logging argument.

  • The scaling_options argument of maximize and minimize is deprecated and gets subsumed in the scaling argument.

  • The error_penalty argument of maximize and minimize is deprecated and gets subsumed in the error_handling argument.

  • The multistart_options argument of maximize and minimize is deprecated and gets subsumed in the multistart argument.

  • The arguments additive_noise, additive_noise_options, multiplicative_noise, and multiplicative_noise_options in get_benchmark_problems are deprecated and combined into noise.

  • The scaling_options argument in get_benchmark_problems is deprecated and subsumed in the scaling argument.

  • Passing just a list of algorithm strings as optimize_options in run_benchmark is deprecated.